Psychic Struggle and Synchronotron

At this very moment the lines of destiny are being unraveled and rewoven into a new pattern.

From one perspective, it appears there is a battle within the Planet mind between the conditioned historical force and the cosmic freedom of the new, the noosphere. But it is only the old that is doing battle. Ancient story. Ancient forces. Ancient powers at play.ancientatomic07_03

The story replays itself until we learn the lessons.

All the perturbations we are experiencing in the world today are a result of adjustments involved in the biosphere-noosphere transition with its many implications, overlapping forcefields and timelines. We are at the point where all that was hidden (throughout aeons) is now being revealed. Though some are not ready to know.

With all the tragedy and injustices we see in the world, it is important to do all we can to maintain a vibration of harmony. By succumbing and reacting to events or people with aggression, hate or violent opposition is to entangle our vibration in the conflicting energy and repeat the cycle.

Rather than argue with others about differing belief systems, find common ground. Agree to disagree. Remember what is truly important. Focus on the Big Picture. We are being given opportunities for growth that are inaccessible in “normal” times (whatever that is).

“Adversity should be immediately recognized as an object of either compassion or patience because without such an object how can we bring out these noble qualities?” Tzo Nyuhdo.

We are releasing (the old) and simultaneously evolving (the new) which creates a sense of chaotic dissonance. The psychic struggle is a stage of evolution and it too shall pass. Now is the time to strengthen and discipline our minds, as darkness feeds on weakness, lower emotions and inability to control them.

13348856_257230144632871_1542436043_nAt the sight of conflict the Secret Dreamers withdraw to Higher Ground to continue their internal preparation for the moment when Emergence is inevitable. For they know that Mind is the interiorization of Matter and Matter is the externalization of Mind. And  perfect Love, Compassion and Forgiveness is the Universal solvent.

Each day that passes is one closer to the last. Now is the time to activate our Superconscious mind, open our hearts, remember who we are, stabilize the realization, and then act accordingly.

To create positive change in this world requires acting from the inside-out, not re-acting from the outside in.

Cycles within Cycles

Resonant Warrior/June 13, marked 144 days remaining in the 812-day cycle to solar consciousness (see previous blog).

This cycle concludes Self-Existing Moon 18 (November 4, 2016): Kin 60, Yellow Galactic Sun, sign of Pacal Votan.

Four days later occurs the U.S. presidential election November 8, Yellow Crystal Seed, Kin 64. Six days later is a Supermoon/Full Moon in Taurus on Kin 70, November 14, which occurs at 13:52 UTC time.  Expect something new to be revealed.


This day, (November 8) Yellow Crystal Seed, is exactly 1 spin (260-day cycle) from Galactic New Year, July 26, 2017.

(Also it is interesting to note that time traveler Andrew Basiago, Kin 218, has announced his presidential campaign.  Whether you believe in it or not his story is an interesting one.

 64th Anniversary of the Discovery of Tomb Pacal Votan
June 15, 2016, White Solar Mirror, marks 64 years since the discovery of the tomb of Pacal Votan in Chiapas, Palenque.Unknown-6 Noting that 2012 only has meaning in light of the planetary whole systems design science which is predicated on an evolutionary shift from biosphere to noosphere.

The final key to the prophecy of Pacal Votan was the system of the Synchronotron as received by Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan.

Synchronotron opens the path to the universal order of time and telepathic knowledge. It is like the Mothership of all of the synchronic  codes. Currently we are working on 260 Keys to Synchronotron: For People of the Future that will be available by Galactic New Year.AAmidway-ship

One application of this multi-faceted system is to access the harmonic records of memory or consciousness stored in a particular frame of number matrices. This is genuinely new knowledge for this planet and a new galactic operating system for the human.

New knowledge cannot come into existence unless there is a vacuum that establishes the need for new information. This vacuum is created by our present planetary process or stage where the acceleration of events and information coupled with a collective loss of orientation, meaning and purpose. This species-wide disorientation requires a greater vision and answer than previously known. -Cosmic History Chronicles, Vol. 1


Hexagram 64

In light of the recurrence of number 64 it is interesting to contemplate hexagram 64 of the I Ching.

This hexagram is called Before Completion. It states: Thus the superior man is careful in the differentiation of things, so that each finds its place.

It continues:

When fire, which by nature flames upward, is above, and water, which flows downward, is below, their effects take opposite directions and remain unrelated. If we wish to achieve an effect, we must first investigate the nature of the forces in question and ascertain their proper place.

If we can bring these forces to bear in the right place, they will have the desired effect and completion will be achieved. But in order to handle external forces properly, we must above all arrive at the correct standpoint ourselves, for only from this vantage can we work correctly.

In times of disorder there is temptation to advance oneself as rapidly as possible in order to accomplish something tangible. But this enthusiasm leads only to failure and humiliation if the time for achievement has not yet arrived.

Hexagram 64 also relates to codon 64: Prepared. Galactic Octave Unifies the Dimensions.

64 Codones y Runas UR

11 thoughts on “Psychic Struggle and Synchronotron

  1. Less than 2 years of “modern-day” living left. More than 10,000 days of prehistoric dying right. Thank you Votan for properly closing the cycle. Without your ascension most of Earth would have already ascended. Eye am indebted to you through Stephanie. My job (and joy) until my own personal ascension is to publish The Aqueous Transmission through the correct channels. Thanx again, Stephanie.
    -MIKE EYE, please click here for Enlightenment:

  2. The story continues……we really have “been there – done that”. Don’t get caught in the loop but do continue to see with love, feel through love and speak in love. It is the purest, most powerful force there is. Be who we really are…LOVE!

  3. Some additional commentary from Ni, Hua Ching on Hexagram 64…

    Everything appears hopeless. However, if within this unpromising situation one applies one’s strength toward improving circumstances and achieving one’s goal, an opportunity for accomplishment will be provided.

    Everything is continually changing. Within change, however, there remains an unchanging, insubstantial “substance”. By identifying with the invariable essence of universal nature, one will constantly be in contact with this subtle source of life. With such harmony, how can superficial changes, alterations and variations be so deeply troubling?

    I would suggest that the insubstantial substance is time, and that by identifying with this invariable essence we can be in contact with the subtle source of life.

  4. On Wed, Jun 15, 2016 at 2:20 AM, 13:20 FREQUENCY SHIFT wrote:

    > Electric Serpent posted: “At this very moment the lines of destiny are > being unraveled and rewoven into a new pattern. From one perspective, it > appears there is a battle within the Planet mind between the conditioned > historical force and the cosmic freedom of the new, the noosp” >

  5. Interesting! Thank you.. Hexagram 64 in the I Ching has number frequency 21 in the U Ching (16+4+1). So thats a coded feedback loop to the Synchronotron in this story!

  6. And also: in 52 days from today the Olympic games will start in Rio, and today I came across the news that they finished the production of the golden medals for this, which are 812 golden medals for all the games.. how is all of this related? :-)

  7. 3 years since the aperture of the 13:21 terma on june 15th 20:13… peace is the mission, and the show must go on… but I still wonder if we are going to meet someday… this is so confusing… rainbow hugs

  8. “En algún nivel subconsciente, algo funcionalmente equivalente a los cálculos matemáticos está sucediendo.”

    “At some unconscious level, something functionally equivalent to mathematical calculations is happening”

    The Selfish Gen, R.Dawkins, Page 112


  9. Pingback: Noos-letter of the Foundation for the Law of Time – Foundation for the Law of Time

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